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Hyland's #8 Mag Phos 6x 1000 tab

Hyland's #8 Mag Phos 6x 1000 tab

Hyland’s cell salt Mag. Phos. (Magnesia Phosphorica) relieves diverse cramps and cramping or radiating pain symptoms.¹ Leg cramps, muscle cramps, muscle tension and soreness, abdominal cramping, and menstrual cramps can all be relieved by this natural cell salt without harmful or groggy side effects.¹ For pain relief, Mag. Phos. specializes in cramping or radiating pain symptoms, and it is also an ideal remedy for headaches with darting pains.¹ In general, Mag. Phos. works best for symptoms that improve with heat and worsen with cold.¹ Tablets are flavorless and dissolve immediately without water for no upset stomach.

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